Job Search Strategies: How to Land Your First Job !

Congratulations!! You are now an official alumnus of Georgia College. Whether you’re searching for your first full time job or applying to graduate school, we’ve got you covered. This entry will discuss strategies to broaden your competitive advantage while looking for that J-O-B!

JOB Searching

Graduating from college can be a stressful time in your life, because we feel the pressure to figure out what we’re going to do with “the rest of our lives.” The good news? You don’t have to know! You just have to be prepared for the next step, which for many of you will be the job search. It’s important to start this search during your senior year, and it can sometimes feel like taking another class. As someone who has graduated two different times with two different degrees, below are some tips that helped me and hopefully will help you navigate the job market.

Strategy 1: Assess Yourself

My first time job searching out of college was a stressful event. What jobs do I look for? What am I qualified to apply for? These questions that began occupying my mind are certainly important when you are beginning your search. But it’s also important to think about to ask yourself: what do I bring to the table? Answering this question has not only helped me be selective in the jobs I was applying for, but it provided me with knowledge of how much of an asset I am to any organization I joined.

Strategy 2: Set Goals and Be Organized

Want to know a secret about the job market? The job search process will take about six to nine months, which means employers are looking to fill positions months in advance. Remember that the early bird gets the worm. Setting a goal to apply for a certain amount of jobs per week, and creating an Excel spreadsheet that outlines the job, position, and date you applied can help you stay organized and keep you on track.

Strategy 3: Diversify your search

It takes multiple methods to find the job you want. Just posting your resume on a website will probably not produce the results you want. Not all jobs are posted online! In fact, research states that 80% of jobs are never posted. So how do you gain access to those opportunities? Make sure you take advantage of networking opportunities like LinkedIn.

Hopefully these strategies will help you navigate the search process. If you’re hitting a roadblock, please stop by the Career Center 110 Lanier Hall so we can help you out!